
Advanced Analytics

Showing 10 - 18 of 19
  • CWMD
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction

    LMI helps customers adopt the latest capabilities and methodologies to advance the CWMD and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense missions.

  • man sitting at desk working on data analytics

    OpenPolicy™ Knowledge Makes Document Searches Smarter

    LMI’s OpenPolicy is a semantic tool that examines scores of documents simultaneously using subject-specific thesauri of key terms, synonyms, acronyms, and other related terms and phrases. This enhanced vocabulary-based semantic search capability pinpoints relevant paragraphs and highlights information across databases. 

  • logsmart logo over earth with orange glow

    LogSmart™ Supply

    LogSmart™ Supply empowers decision makers to boost supply chain resiliency by providing the most complete insights into the risks and opportunities present in the supply chains you depend on. 

  • ship in port
    What We Do

    Supply Chain Engineering

    Supply chain engineering at LMI incorporates cutting-edge modeling and simulation, advanced analytics, and over 60 years of supply chain expertise. 

  • stem gear
    What We Do

    Mission Engineering

    Integrating modeling and simulation, supply chain engineering, wargaming, and more, LMI harnesses more than 60 years of cutting-edge innovation and experience to enhance capabilities and technologies in support of our customers’ most challenging mission requirements. 

  • ””
    What We Do

    DARPA LogX

    The DARPA LogX program examines the resiliency of the global supply chain via data disruptions and various modeling approaches. 

  • Forge Hero
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    LMI Forge Technology Studio: Use Cases

    Navigate LMI Forge solutions addressing specific use cases. 

  • data
    Who We Serve


    Our strategic advisory services are coupled with innovative digital solutions to reduce the time to mission value for our customers. 

  • two medical researchers
    The New Speed of Possible™

    Health & Civilian

    Our subject matter experts and advisors have a broad knowledge base across the spectrum of federal health and civilian agencies to enable excellence in execution that transcends boundaries.