
Data Science & Engineering

Showing 10 - 18 of 19
  • CWMD
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction

    LMI helps customers adopt the latest capabilities and methodologies to advance the CWMD and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense missions.

  • dc capitol at sunset
    Who We Serve

    Contract Vehicles

    Operating at the new speed of possible, LMI accelerates the pace of progress, enabling our customers to thrive while adapting to modern mission needs.

  • view from space of satellite over North America at night
    Who We Serve


    LMI’s space market provides technical solutions as a trusted partner in the national security space industry. 

  • applied ai

    Implementing AI in Government

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning systems support federal missions from national security to citizen services.  Keith Rodgers outlines what agencies should keep in mind when considering implementation of AI tools and how to optimize these technologies.

  • highway infrastructure
    What We Do

    Infrastructure Resilience

    LMI helps federal agencies strengthen infrastructure resiliency with data-driven strategies.

  • water drop made of polygon mesh over a map of India
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    LMI Participates in Viz for Social Good Challenge for India Water Portal

    Members of LMI’s Data Visualization community of practice volunteered their time to participate in the Viz for Social Good Challenge.

  • Dawson Oslund, Assessment in background
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    Technology Assessment Methodology and Tools for Federal Agencies

    LMI’s Dawson Oslund discusses technology assessment methodology and tools for federal agency solutions.

  • LMI Workshop
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    LMI Workshop Examines Data Ethics for Government

    How can organizations ensure artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) techniques are free from human biases? 

  • supply chain
    What We Do

    Supply Chain Resilience Solutions

    LMI’s public-sector experts in logistics bring over 60 years of experience helping organizations mitigate supply chain risks. Our in-depth understanding of supply chain and government operations combine to provide effective, practical solutions for reducing and managing risk and increasing resiliency.