
Mission Engineering

Showing 10 - 13 of 13
  • techy office
    What We Do

    Technology Integration Partner

    LMI combines hands-on expertise with existing and emerging technologies, our deep understanding of logistics processes and operations, and over 60 years of experience and partnership with the government for totally integrated technical solutions.

  • soldier in a warzone
    What We Do


    LMI’s highly qualified wargaming expertise and extensive knowledge of the future operating environment furnishes the subject matter expertise for planning, executing, and after-action support of joint, combatant command, service, and other wargames. 

  • Flask test tubes with chemical laboratory tests stand on a glass table
    What We Do

    National Security, Science & Technology

    LMI deploys experts in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense and preparedness; life sciences and biosecurity; and program management to enhance mission effectiveness of clients conducting weapons of mass destruction (WMD) mitigation, global threat reduction, and non- and counter-proliferation activities. 

  • ””

    Aspiration to Operation: LMI's Four Key Concepts to Convert Next-Generation, Service-Specific Doctrines into Overwhelming Joint Force Combat Power in the Indo-Pacific

    Learn about LMI’s paradigm-shifting vision and how we are already advancing it in partnership with DoD.