
Energy & Environment

Showing 10 - 12 of 12
  • A finger over a keyboard, reaching for a key labeled H2O with a water symbol

    Changes to Construction Permits for Projects near Bodies of Water

    If you have construction projects taking place near or in any bodies of water, you urgently need to evaluate your project plan. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced reauthorization of the Nationwide Permits (NWPs), which could impact construction projects in progress or soon to be underway.

  • abstract green lines
    Who We Are

    Sustainability at LMI

    LMI understands the growing recognition that every business needs to be sustainable. We're acutely aware of humans' impacts on the planet and the understanding that the long-term viability of humanity depends on the availability of finite and fragile natural resources.

  • Steve Baker
    Culture News

    Employee Spotlight: Steve Baker

    Steve Baker is a program manager supporting the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Facilities and Asset Management within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS CBP OFAM). He leads several teams providing essential engineering, real estate, environmental, energy, sustainability, and planning support for CBP’s facilities and infrastructure.