
DoD Supply Chain

Showing 19 - 27 of 33
  • News & Events

    DoD Maintenance Symposium

    Our dynamic, globally connected world presents economic opportunity, strategic competition, and security risks. LMI’s Logistics Decision Advantage (LDA) enables intelligent business and security decisions by creating the ability to anticipate disruptions, identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, and effectively prioritize and trade risk for a competitive advantage.

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    Why Hedging Is Essential for Resilient Supply Chains

    COVID-19 showed how just-in-time logistics and ultra-lean supply chains fail in times of uncertainty, compounding health risks and threats to national security. Hedging can help ensure that doesn’t happen again. 

  • Supply chain
    News & Events

    AUSA Global Force 2023

    Download the white paper to explore your supply chain’s biggest threats and how to mitigate them.

  • man taking inventory in a warehouse
    Deep Expertise, Customized Tools

    Taking Inventory to the Next Level

    For 60 years, LMI has been delivering innovative, world-class logistics and supply chain solutions. Our independent research and development efforts have produced tools that have become the standard for supply chain management and logistics analytics.

  • Medical cross and health icons
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    Health Solutions

    LMI delivers innovative health solutions for mission impact at the pace of need, enabling our federal health customers to thrive while adapting to modern mission needs.

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    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    LMI Forge Technology Studio: Prototypes

    Our prototypes are shaping the nation of next. From developing a wearable integrated sensor platform (WISP) that drives decision-making to shaping solutions that streamline supply chains like LogSmart™ Supply, our work at the edge of possible reimagines mission capability. 

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    What We Do

    Supply Chain Risk Assessments

    LMI develops cutting-edge machine learning applications to proactively identify supply chain risks and leverage prescriptive analytics to help organizations modernize their approach to risk identification and mitigation. 

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    Peak Policy and Next Generation (PNG™) Inventory Models

    LMI’s acclaimed tool for managing infrequent demand or frequent highly variable demand within your inventory.

  • COVID vaccine

    Planning for Vaccine Distribution in 6 Key Areas

    COVID-19 has made clear that preparing for pandemics is a critical public health challenge. Here’s what leaders can do now to improve vaccination efforts.