
Risk Management

Showing 19 - 27 of 51
  • News & Events

    AUSA Global Force 2025

    The complexities associated with enabling ready combat formations at machine speed requires innovative sustainment solutions to set the conditions for maintaining overmatch in an era of rapid change.  

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    Redefining Business Optimization in the COVID Era

    Resiliency has become a defining virtue of business operations.   

  • A finger over a keyboard, reaching for a key labeled H2O with a water symbol
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    Calculating Your Water Footprint to Improve Resilience

    One way to calculate an organization’s water footprint is to literally measure the water used at a facility or series of facilities. But what happens when operations are far more complicated?

  • News & Events

    AUSA Global Force 2024

    The complexities associated with supporting current defense and future military concepts require holistic and visionary insights that bring the most operationally effective, sustainable, and cost-efficient solutions to complex problems. 

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    Risk Management in an Agile World

    Coupled with its Performance Optimization Line of Business, LMI uses Risk Management to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations and operations. If your organization is looking to better integrate Project and Risk Management activities within your specific Agile environment, LMI’s team of Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) subject matter experts can help.

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    Effective Property Tracking Improves Audit Results

    In keeping with the principles of LMI’s performance optimization line of business, our teams of subject matter experts optimize key controls for consistent, compliant, and effective operations. LMI leverages considerable experience across DoD in optimizing and updating internal controls and remediating audit findings to work with organizations.

  • News & Events

    Army CDO Data Summit 2024

    The complexities associated with supporting current defense and future military concepts require holistic and visionary insights that bring the most operationally effective, sustainable, and cost-efficient solutions to complex problems. 

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    Managing Planning Assumptions

    Project planning always requires addressing uncertainty. When confronted with multiple possible futures, planners must make assumptions about which reality is most likely to be true.

  • people brainstorming over computer
    The New Speed of Possible™


    We’re creating innovative solutions to transform emerging needs into extraordinary impacts at The New Speed of Possible™.