
Policy Planning & Operations

Showing 19 - 27 of 28
  • Melissa Wright
    Our Team

    Melissa Wright

    Melissa leads LMI’s engagement with components of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including the Science and Technology Directorate, the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

  • CWMD
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction

    LMI helps customers adopt the latest capabilities and methodologies to advance the CWMD and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense missions.

  • Occupational Safety and Health
    What We Do

    Occupational Safety & Health

    LMI helps federal agencies tailor OSH programs to unique missions, workforce requirements, and business processes. 

  • blue and orange glowing circle
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    LMI Forge Technology Studio: Prototypes

    Our prototypes are shaping the nation of next. From developing a wearable integrated sensor platform (WISP) that drives decision-making to shaping solutions that streamline supply chains like LogSmart™ Supply, our work at the edge of possible reimagines mission capability. 

  • US capitol
    What We Do

    Policy Planning & Operations

    We excel at helping leaders leverage automated analytic solutions to expedite policy analysis and evaluation and quantify the effects of new regulations. 

  • Programmatic Efficiencies Effectiveness
    What We Do

    Programmatic Efficiencies & Effectiveness

    Our team delivers the insights, tools, people, and processes for lifecycle program management, planning, and operations support as well as full-scope financial solutions. 

  • ””
    What We Do

    Performance Optimization

    Unlocking people’s full potential and using readily accessible data and technology to position organizations for long-term sustainability.

  • highway infrastructure
    What We Do

    Infrastructure Resilience

    LMI helps federal agencies strengthen infrastructure resiliency with data-driven strategies.

  • digital twin
    What We Do

    Digital Twin

    LMI uses digital twin technology to help government agencies obtain visibility, achieve situational awareness, and improve enterprise-wide decisions.