
Assessing and Anticipating Rapidly Evolving Capabilities and Threats

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    What We Do

    Mission Engineering

    Integrating modeling and simulation, supply chain engineering, wargaming, and more, LMI harnesses more than 60 years of cutting-edge innovation and experience to enhance capabilities and technologies in support of our customers’ most challenging mission requirements. 

  • Flying in VR futuristic city. Sci-Fi scene with Orange and Blue lights.
    What We Do

    Assessing & Anticipating Rapidly Evolving Capabilities

    LMI tailors data-driven approaches to select, develop, and mature capabilities with simultaneous and integrated analytical, simulation, prototyping, demonstration, and transition activities. Our customers engage with feedback throughout the process for continuous improvements. 

  • Flask test tubes with chemical laboratory tests stand on a glass table
    What We Do

    National Security, Science & Technology

    LMI deploys experts in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense and preparedness; life sciences and biosecurity; and program management to enhance mission effectiveness of clients conducting weapons of mass destruction (WMD) mitigation, global threat reduction, and non- and counter-proliferation activities. 

  • CWMD
    Innovation at the Pace of Need®

    Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction

    LMI helps customers adopt the latest capabilities and methodologies to advance the CWMD and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense missions.

  • decontamination unit

    Medical Countermeasures: Putting the Warfighter First

    As a principal technical advisor at LMI, Chris Badorrek serves as a site supervisor and an assay/analytics specialist and process advisor to the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Medical (JPEO CBRN Medical) at Fort Detrick.